Chapter 2 – The Japan Connection 

Some Like it Small but a Few Prefer it Smaller Even - Miniaturizing the Miniature


Thanks for staying with me all the way through the pages of the previous chapter on the Uberti miniature guns. I sincerely hope you enjoyed what information you discovered. If you have questions send me an email at

Now is the time to move on. To present a few of the miniature guns in the Hunzinger Collection created by well-known and not so well-known Japanese gun artists. Please, do not take it as an excuse when I tell you obtaining hard facts on the craftsmen and their pieces of gun art from the Land of the Rising Sun is a tough job. Rest assured I am not just referring to the language.

As the curator of the Hunzinger Collection living in the heart of Europe the first port of call recommended by collectors' and dealers' of miniature guns was Japanese Kimiaki Ohba ( Because when I started dwelling on the subject the initiates mentioned that Ohba was not only a master miniature gun maker in his own right but also the exporter for other craftmen. For details on the work of Kimiaki Ohba scroll down to chapter 2.1 headed Kimiaki Ohba of Ohba Minifacturing in Tokyo.

After researching the internet some more I also discovered the pieces of gun art of Kaziyuki Iinuma, chapter 2.2 titled Kaziyuki Iinume of Aquapolis and Hiroshi Goto, see chapter 2.3 headed Hiroshi Goto from Kyoto (

A completely different history originates from their miniature guns. Fact is these Fareast masters produce miniature pistols and revolvers that are worldwide renowned. Admirers of the craftsmanship of Uberti miniature guns will find themselves in awe of the artistry shown by the Japanese masters. Staying true to his motto “smaller is always possible”, these master craftsmen fabricate miniatures barely the size of a fingertip. The precision shown in these remarkable pieces of art are a culmination of the Japanese traditions of developing a certain connectedness and appreciation for the materials used and working with significant skill and diligence.

As to the WHY, why miniaturizing the miniatures? From a Western perspective I firmly believe there are two forces driving the Japanese artists: 

1) They just flaunt their craftsmanship, their "yes, we can" attitude. 

2) Until a couple of decades ago private gun ownership was the pride of many Japanese adults. But legally owning pistols and revolvers is actually outlawed today. Putting on my Freud hat I'd say miniaturizing the objects of desire is a relief option to the technically accomplished ones ….

Be that as it may I like these mini-miniature guns available through K-OHBA MINIFACTURING. 

The three Japanese masters Hiroshi GotoKaziyuki Iinuma and Kimiaki Ohba added some pretty impressive miniature handguns to the Hunzinger Collection. See for yourself in the following chapters.


December 19, 2018/WDN